U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter Wants Wuhan Lab Investigated


On Sunday U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA-01) announced that he co-signed a letter to the U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and demanded investigations into the Wuhan lab.

Carter, in a newsletter he emailed to constituents Sunday, said “China allowed this virus to spread and they need to be held accountable” and that “we need to fully understand what happened and make sure it never happens again”.

“In our letter to Speaker Pelosi we wrote, ‘we request that you instruct the appropriate Democrat committee chairs to immediately join Republican calls to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for its role in causing the global COVID-19 pandemic. There is mounting evidence the pandemic started in a Chinese lab, and the CCP covered it up. If that is the case, the CCP is responsible for the deaths of almost 600,000 Americans and millions more worldwide. These questions about the CCP’s liability are not a diversion, as you falsely claimed. To the contrary, every American family that lost someone deserves answers about the origin of this terrible virus, and House Democrats’ ongoing refusal to allocate investigative resources to get those answers is an affront to them,” Carter wrote.

Carter reminded Pelosi that House Republicans have repeatedly called for a full investigation to address the CCP’s complicity in obscuring the origins of COVID-19.

Carter and other members of Congress told Pelosi that “repeatedly, our requests were ignored. Instead, House Democrats pursued a radical left-wing agenda that is pushing the economy toward the highest inflation rates since 1979.”

Last week Carter wrote U.S. President Joe Biden and expressed concerns about the president’s support for waiving Intellectual Property (IP) protections related to the COVID-19 vaccines.

“Waiving the IP protections for the COVID-19 vaccines will be a disaster. The insane move from the Biden Administration not only counters our patent system, it will stifle the innovation of lifesaving drugs and cures by removing the incentives for investment,” Carter said.

“It is also a gift to China who has spent decades trying to steal American innovation, and who spent all last year trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine IP. We cannot allow this to happen.”

Members of Carter’s staff published the letter to Biden on the congressman’s website.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Rep Buddy Carter” by Rep Buddy Carter.





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